The Ocean Live Park Genova

The Innovation Village, within Ocean Live Park, will be a great space where you can amaze, have fun, and navigate, with the most innovative solutions for the protection of the sea

The Ocean Live Park Genova

24 June – 2 July 2023

A great event affects the trajectories of cities and changes the perspectives and visions of the future.

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The Ocean Race is often described as the longest and most challenging sporting event in professional sports. Along with the Olympic Games. Each stage, especially the Grand Finale in Genova, in June 2023, will be an opportunity to measure – on different territories – awareness, problems, and solutions, also thanks to the Genoa Process, with the contribution of scientists, jurists, and other experts, will add a piece to a decalogue for the protection of the oceans, which will be presented to the UN in 2023. The values of sport combined with those of the environment, the charter of the rights of the oceans elaborated by the Genoa Process, are excellent fruits of The Ocean Race, to which the Genoa Blue District is adding support to the development and the diffusion of new products and services to the sign of the sustainability: new materials, new systems of propulsion, tools to increase the accessibility to the resource sea. Genova The Grand Finale is a party with at its center the wonderful boats and crews, in this party at the Innovation Village, individual citizens and innovators will have direct experiences of solutions: get on board and sail on sustainable boats, engage in workshops, play with demonstration instruments, or simply browse or relax in front of the digital installation that stages the sea to remind us of beauty, the power, and richness of biodiversity from which we too come and of which we are part like other living beings.


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Through a Call for Innovation, the 9 solutions that we will present at the Innovation Village have been identified. Each of them responds innovatively and sustainably to the challenges posed, from environmental sustainability to the use of clean energy, to the need to promote well-being, accessibility, and usability of the sea resource to the circular economy. All in the frame of the values of the initiative The Ocean Race and sea sports.



ecoracerOD, the world’s first recyclable monotype

The start-up has created the world’s first 100% recyclable boat. High sports performance and sustainability become the keywords of this 9mt sailboat, which we will know at the Innovation Village…




SWIMLIFT thanks to its patent realize a real “skilift” from the sea, accepting the challenge of finding an inclusive solution to help move in the sea….




An algorithm with a focus on the 17 goals of the United Nations, which allows the analysis and the qualitative impact of business choices of tourism compared to SDGs. …



Sailing: a true laboratory for sustainability. Sport and monitoring of the health of the sea. Adopt a marine mile in NFT, a scalable model to support the sustainable economy.

The solution is a BLUEBOX. IoT System Integrator for autonomous detection, processing and sharing of oceanographic environmental data from stationary and moving acquisitions. …



expanded polymer and kelvet, together for boating. Innovative high-performance material to make boats and boats in compliance with the requirements of the circular economy.

His technique is enclosed in the study of expanded materials between mechanical strength and lightness. A material of a few grams allows the construction of small boats that allow you to navigate safely. …



presentation of the infrastructural prototype realized by the MATASSA project: that is the representation of an artificial reef along a stretch of the city coast and the remodulation of the coast in functions of the principles of the ICZM.

MATASSA sport environmental and territorial monitoring, analysis, sustainable development through sport…



Zero Emission Blue Energy ZEBE

hydrogenic technology applied to boating: a sailboat and a motor boat will reveal the technical secrets of clean propulsion, accessible responsible…


Natural manufactured clay can revive environments under the marine surface. The bio-attractive power with 3D printing practices…



GRETA Genova mare digital twin for a sustainable blue economy

Pioniera e leader nel mondo delle reti sottomarine e dell’Internet of Underwater Things. Wsense ha ideato e sviluppato: un innovativo metodo per automatizzare la comunicazione grazie ad una rete di sensori sottomarini……

Dynamic space

The Innovation Village is inside the Ocean Live Park set up in Genova at the waterfront of the east, in about 2400 square meters on the ground floor Jean Nouvel pavilion, from 24 June to 2 July 2023, weekdays from 10 to 20 and holidays from 10 to 22. Admission is free, some activities are subject to reservation.

The exhibition was co-designed, with the professional and creative contribution of the students of the Faculty of Architecture, in compliance with the specifications of The Ocean Race and the technical specifications provided by Porto Antico Spa, manager of the spaces.

Innovation Village news

Genova Blue District

Via del Molo, 65, 16128 Genova

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