Poster Art – Open Call | Genova Blue Street

The second edition of Call4ideas is now open for the creation of Poster Art projects aimed at the dissemination and promotion of the event Genova Blue Street, the collateral and dissemination initiative linked to the strong>Blue Economy Summit (more information available on the website The first edition saw the participation of hundreds of artists from different parts of Italy.

The contest is open to all those who want to propose projects of Poster Art with a technique of free choice. Will be chosen, published and printed 30 works, that will be installed as posters in different areas of the city of Genoa. First place will be a prize that will be published on the event website. The recognition of further prizes will be evaluated on the basis of the quantity and quality of the proposed works. Participation is free. Membership can be single or in a group and it is allowed to send a maximum of 3 projects by 26 September 2021/.

The aim of the contest is to create awareness of the development opportunities that derive from the blue economy, the importance of safeguarding the marine environment and many other issues related to the economy of the sea.
Information, the terms of participation and technical specifications are available on the page href=”” rel=”noreferrer noopener” target=”_blank”>

the initiative is promoted by the Municipality of Genoa and the City council member to the Economic Development Harbour and Logistic, Francesco Maresca, and organized from Clickutility Team.